AT.Brand: reviewing practices in city branding
AT.Brand was a partnership co-funded by the EU Atlantic Programme ran by six cities led by Dublin City Council and including Liverpool, Cardiff, La Rochelle, San Sebastian and Faro, plus the Conference of Atlantic Arc Cities. They worked on three main areas: cross-learning on innovative city branding; implementation of pilot actions matching specific needs and with high potential for transferability; and exploration on the potential of transnational co-branding in the Atlantic area, including consultation to a broad range of stakeholders across the macro-region. In partnership with London-based firm Heavenly, TASO won the public tender to develop main technical assistance to the whole project,
Main AT.Brand outputs were the following:
- Three international workshops on innovative city branding in Liverpool, La Rochelle and San Sebastian.
- Series of state of play reports, as a mix of case studies and policy recommendations: Liverpool, Inside #itsliverpool; Dublin, Re-taking a roadmap for branding Dublin; Cardiff, The World’s Closest Capital to London; Donostia-San Sebastian, Branding a city in constant innovation; Faro, From Local Identity to Attractiveness.
- Series of innovative pilots, such as new Dublin´s website, the Cardiff Unscripted project (series of videos showcasing the city in a different manner) and the #itsliverpool app.
- Report “Assessment of the Potential and Options for the Co-branding of Cities and Regions of the Atlantic Arc”.
- The unconventional handbook “Reviewing practices in city branding: 130 piece model kit”.
On this project, Peter Finnegan, Director of the Office of Economy, International Relations and Research at Dublin City Council said: “every city needs to have its story told and heard. The story is the unique branding mark that each city has drawn from history and experience. AT.Brand will help us develop a toolkit that liberates cities from the tyranny of traditional marketing and branding and allows cities to communicate their brand narrative globally”.
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