Empowering cities as key actors in S3

Empowering cities as key actors in S3

Smart specialisation is the most widespread approach regarding innovation in Europe nowadays. In a nutshell, it can be seen as an innovation-oriented policy-mix on economic development with a focus on a short range of priority areas, which is governed in a collaborative (and entrepreneurial) way. However, this concept still means little for many cities. Over the past few years, TASO has been at the frontline examining how the policy concept of smart specialisation applies to cities, as well as trying to give the local economic agenda a more transforming purpose.

Some events gave us the opportunity to spread the word on this matter, such as the URBACT City Festival in Lisbon, where we organized the breakout session Empowering Cities as Key Actors in Smart Specialisation, and the SMARTER Conference on Smart Specialisation and Territorial Development, organized by the JRC-European Commission along with the Regional Studies Association.


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